Azodu - the open source Old Reddit
With Azodu you can quickly have a feature-complete Reddit-like site that is easy to setup, highly scalable and requires no human moderation.
- Comments: create, reply, edit, delete, save, nested comments and link to comments
- Posts: create (text and link posts), reply, edit, delete, save
- Sorting: sort feeds by latest, top and controversial. Sorting takes place in-memory (no DB calls)
- Rich Text editing: powered by Quill
- Currency: users earn a currency for getting their content upvoted which they can use to create categories
- Categories: create, subscribe, unsubscribe
- Votes: vote on comments and posts
- Authentication: via stateless JSON web tokens
- Users: login, registration and profile pages with saved (private) content, public post and comment history
- Responsive design: works out of the box on PC, mobile and tablet
- Administration: pin posts, delete posts
- AI Moderation: posts and comments are all run though Open AI's moderation endpoint
- AI Summaries: all post content is summarized with AI
- embeds for link submissions
- Thumbnails: auto-generated from links on submission
- Scalability: built in HTTP caching behind Cassandra with a highly scalable architecture
- Security: rate limiting on HTTP request and failed moderation frequency. Each time a user fails moderation, they must wait progressively more time to submit again.